Procrastination: Why Embracing it is the solution to Overcome it

Procrastination: Why Embracing it is the solution to Overcome it


4 min read

For my first non-technical post, I figured why not talk about the very thing which has made me not blog in over 4 months (the very concept of this blog took 3 weeks to get together). If you guessed the topic of this blogpost correctly (not by looking at the title, that would be cheating ๐Ÿ˜ˆ), today I will be writing about Procrastination

What is it?


If you would like the formal definition and learn more, refer to this. Instead, I will be defining it in a way I believe anyone would easily understand.

Procrastination is not a taboo, not something to be looked down upon, and it is not laziness. It is infact, a completely normal feeling that every person on this planet comes across. Procrastination to me means to distract oneself with any task such that it makes sure one never does the actual intended task at hand, usually by putting it off either by just not acknowledging the task or even burying it deep such that you eventually forget about the task.

How to embrace it?

I don't believe in one solution fits all sizes approaches, but accepting the fact that one is procrastinating from a task is what I think is the first step among many, to overcoming this difficulty. Accepting that "it's alright, and completely normal to feel this" does wonders, because now that you've embraced the problem, you get determined to figure out a solution.

Let's look at some solutions that have worked out for me:

1. Do another task that requires little to no effort


Try to utilize the time to complete another menial task which might be on your agenda for the day. It can be anything so long as the task ensures that you complete something in the time spent. Something as simple as cleaning your desk, watering the plants etc. Most importantly, make sure that you practice lots of self-appreciation for completing that task. Such an approach makes it seem like you've still been productive in the day, even if you've put off certain tasks and instead completed another task in its place. Always remember to keep trying to move ahead, if you find yourself procrastinating on a task, reprioritize your tasks and execute those which seem more doable now.

2. Break down your current task into smaller chunks


I often notice I tackle alot of tasks as a whole unit, and the fear of not being able to complete such a task results in me not working on it (I'm sure alot of readers can relate here). Many of my friends whom I consider as mentors, had suggested this approach to me. Initially I was quite apprehensive of this approach, thinking it would take forever to complete the task (ironic, right). But this approach really does wonders, by breaking down tasks into smaller tasks and so on, the overall problem becomes much easier to approach, and you get a sense of accomplishment too!

3. Sometimes it's okay to procrastinate


It could just be that it's a sign of your body telling you to take a break, both physical and mental. We tend to be guilty of overworking ourselves, whether we enjoy the tasks or not. Over a period of time that can build up resistance which can eventually result in dis-interest in doing the task, procrastinating or even experiencing burnouts. Maybe set aside the task on hand, and partake in anything that involves both mind and body, such as meditation, or walks in nature.


Drawing a close, I believe we all should be mindful of ourselves when we set out to complete the next task. By making the task easier to complete, or spending the time to do another task or even setting it aside for selfcare, we ensure that overall we live our lives to the fullest, and truly enjoy doing what we love doing!

Wrapping up

Hope you enjoyed reading this blogpost! Definitely give your reaction and feedback, and of course, share this article with someone who needs to read this!

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Till next time, take care and cheers!๐Ÿฅ‚

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